Using strategy with mindset in your business with Courtney Johnston / ep80

It is so exciting for me to get to interview my own mentors when it comes to online business and balancing that with the lifestyle you want. Courtney Johnston is one of those people for me. She run’s the Rule Breaker’s club, where she teaches women how to package and sell their brilliance.

In this interview with Courtney, we talk about some keys to scaling your business, why it’s important to step out of the solopreneur mindset, and how to motivate yourself to get things done. We also get into how she uses data to improve her sales funnel during a launch and how it determined the success of that launch.

Courtney’s work has been featured on,, CreativeLive, and the Huffington Post. She’s from Michigan, started her business in Paris, and currently lives in Vancouver, BC with her fiancé, Mohammed.

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