Why you need an SEO expert for your site feat. Vanessa Berlin / ep82

vanessa berlin fashion statement

Getting results through SEO is my main focus for all my clients. Many of my clients come to me and are scared to do SEO because they come from a bad experience or have heard negative stories from others. This is what happened with Vanessa Berlin, one of my clients and during this interview we talk about how working with me changed the way she did SEO on her site and the results she got.

We get into what the process was like working with me, and how she is able to keep replicating the success after working with me. I also share 3 SEO tips at the beginning on what you can do to grow your site traffic.

Vanessa Berlín, Image & Fashion Consultant, blogger, mother, wife based in La Jolla, CA. Her passion for personal care, style, and fashion, combined with her desire to be an agent for positive change, led her to create The Fashion Statement, an online fashion, beauty, and lifestyle destination. She has built an overall audience of 55,000 followers across her social media platforms who closely follow her blog. The Fashion Statement was founded 3 years ago and it's a destination devoted to helping women simplify their lives and make them feel pretty, powerful and confident no matter what they do.

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